Rolled out…Promotion and protection of species-rich pastures in the Pannonian region of Austria with a focus on dung beetles
Semi-natural pastures are diverse ecosystems that provide an important habitat for numerous animal and plant species. Formerly a natural part of our cultural landscape, these areas have now become rare as a result of agricultural intensification. As a result, many species that depend on these open areas are in sharp decline or have already become extinct. One of the species groups most negatively affected are the dung beetles (coprophagous Scarabaeidae), which nevertheless fulfill important ecological functions in pasture ecosystems. The aim of this project is therefore to preserve and promote extensive grazing areas in order to halt the decline of these beetles and create more suitable habitats.
As farms play a central role in the conservation of near-natural pastures, we work closely with our agricultural partners in this project: We provide information about the pasture ecosystem, survey the dung beetle diversity on the pastures and jointly develop individual measures and goals to secure the livelihood of many species!
Funding: | Biodiversitätsfond (NextGenerationEU) |
Partners: | Dipl.-Ing. Manuel Denner (Landscape planning engineering office) |
Project start: | April 2023 |
Project time: | 24 months |
Project leader: | Elisabeth Glatzhofer, Tobias Schernhammer |