Author: Norbert Sauberer
Mein Bezirk – “Freiwillige pflegen das Naturschutzgebiet Sandberge Oberweiden”
Online Vortrag "Dungkäfer in Weideökosystemen"
Auf Anfrage der Biologischen Schutzgemeinschaft Göttingen hielt Elisabeth Glatzhofer am 12.09.2024 einen Vortrag über Dungkäfer in Weideökosystemen
ORF 3SAT Nano Beitrag über das "Ausgerollt"-Projekt
©ORF 3SAT Nano Produktion, Sendedatum 28.06.2024
FFH Monitoring
The status of habitats and species protected under the EU’s Flora-Fauna-Habitat Directive must be assessed at regular intervals in order to reclassify the endangered status of these species and adapt protective measures.We have carried...
Comprehensive management is necessary for areas that are of particular importance for the conservation of species and habitats. Good management of protected areas is based on scientific expertise and derives measures from area-specific monitoring...
Naturland Niederösterreich – “Schule aktiv für Artenvielfalt”
Gefährdungseinstufung der Blatthornkäfer Österreichs
In the course of this project, an Austria-wide data collection for the superfamily Scarabaeoidea (Scarab beetles) and an endangerment classification of these species will be carried out. This is based on the inventory of...
Basisdatenerhebung von Zwergbinsen- und Strandlingsgesellschaften
“Oligo- to mesotrophic standing waters with vegetation of the Littorelletea uniflorae and/or the Isoeto-Nanojuncetea” (FFH-Nr. 3130) are protected throughout the EU as a Habitats Directive Annex I habitat type. Little is actually known about...