Endangerment classification of the Scarab beetles of Austria

In the course of this project, an Austria-wide data collection for the superfamily Scarabaeoidea (Scarab beetles) and an endangerment classification of these species will be carried out. This is based on the inventory of collection material from all Austrian museums, including re-identifications. This data is then used to determine the population sizes and trends and, based on this, the endangerment status (conservation status) of the scarab beetle species occurring in Austria. This enables an assessmnet for the need for action and Austria’s responsibility for the individual species. In addition, recommendations are given for the implementation of measures for the conservation and long-term monitoring of endangered species.

Funding:Biodiversitätsfond (NextGenerationEU)
Partners:Museum of Natural History Vienna
Dr. Matthias Seidel

Dipl.-Ing. Manuel Denner (Landscape planning engineering office)
Project start:January 2024
Project time:24 months
Project leader:VINCA: Elisabeth Glatzhofer; NHM: Matthias Seidel

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